Transition Implementation Partnership

Transition Implementation Partnership

Transition Supports for Parents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Partnerships

The Transition Implementation Partnership (TIP) project was created to address the interests and needs of parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) as their children transition across different stages of development. Examples of transition include from home to child care, or from child care to preschool; kindergarten to elementary school; middle school to high school, and beyond. Many families headed by parents with IDD face a number of challenges navigating the systems in which they and their children are involved. Even with appropriate support, each system may feel like a confusing maze with different rules, requirements, and practices that are not easily understood by parents with IDD. The TIP project is a collaboration of parents with IDD and multiple service systems in the District of Columbia. The collaboration includes representatives from both the public and private sectors such as social services, health, behavioral health, education, early intervention, developmental disabilities services and supports, disability rights and advocacy, child welfare, and court systems. The TIP project’s goal is to improve the capacity of systems and personnel to assist parents with IDD to manage their children’s transitions from birth through young adulthood. 

For any questions about the TIP project, please contact Wendy Jones.