
Employment is a concern for many individuals with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This page contains information and resources related to the topic of employment and disability.


  • Job Accommodation Network 
    A service of the Office of the Disability Employment Policy of US Department of Labor to assist in the employment and retention of workers with disabilities. The site provides information on job accommodations, self employment and small business ownership for workers and their families as well as employers. janweb.icdi.wvu.edu


Preparation and Youth Transition


Local Resources

Federal Government Initiatives and Resources

  • Disability.gov
    Resources and information about employment, career planning, work place supports and accommodations, self-employment, work incentives, youth programs, and laws and regulations. The site has information on other topics as well as such as civil rights, health, housing, technology, etc. disability.gov
  • DisAbility Online  
    The US Department of Labor and Training Administration (DOLETA) develops and implements workforce policy and programs to support people with disabilities in accessing and navigating programs to obtain and retain jobs. Many employment resources and programs to prepare for and access employment can be found on this website. doleta.gov/disability/
  • Leadership for the Employment of Americans with Disabilities (LEAD)
    This national outreach initiative was created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to increase the number of individuals with disabilities employed by the federal government.  The program educates employers and conducts focus groups with employers and interested parties to come up with solutions to the declining numbers of people with severe disabilities employed by the federal government. eeoc.gov/initiatives/lead/
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management Federal Employment of People with Disabilities
    This site has many resources on federal disability hiring program, workplace accommodations, employment laws and frequently asked questions. opm.gov/DISABILITY

National Initiatives and Resources

  • American Association of People with Disabilities  (AAPD)
    AAPD is the largest national cross-disability organization for the purpose of advocating for implementing the goals of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). This organization has specific programs to improve employment outcomes for individuals with all types of disability. aapd.com
  • Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network  (EARN)
    This is a free job network service that connects employers with job candidates.  Both job candidates and employers sign up with EARN.  In addition EARN promotes employer practices that allow recruitment and retention of employees with disabilities. askearn.org
  • National Business and Disability Council
    Resource for employers seeking to integrate individuals with disabilities into their workforce. or companies seeking to reach consumers in the marketplace. This website contains resources for employers and job seekers. viscardicenter.org/services/nbdc/
  • US Business Leadership Network
    National disability organization that supports the best practices in the employment and advancement of individuals with disabilities, preparation of youth with disabilities for employment , marketing to consumers with disabilities, contracting with vendors with disabilities, and certification of disability-owned businesses. usbln.org


2012- 2013

November 22, 2013 
Georgetown University 3rd Annual Conference on Employment of People with Disabilities
Georgetown University recognized the progress of the past two decades in achieving greater freedom and independence through work for millions of people with disabilities.  The Chamber of Commerce hosted The 3rd Georgetown University Conference on Employment of People with Disabilities. The annual Human Spirit Award recipients were Thomas J. Donohue, President & CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and J. Randolph (Randy) Lewis, former Senior Vice President, Walgreens. For more info about the conference click here 


October 31, 2011
Georgetown University 2nd Annual Conference on Employment of People with Disabilities

The Georgetown University Conference on Employment of People with Disabilities
Georgetown University is proud to recognize the many strides of the past two decades in achieving greater freedom and independence for millions of people with disabilities, and to look ahead to an even brighter future for the disabilities movement. During October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Georgetown hosted the Annual Georgetown University Conference on Employment of People with Disabilities examining the challenges and opportunities in the area of employment of people with disabilities. As part of the conference, two panels of experts in the areas of public policy, business, federal contracting, and technology examined the history and future of disability employment.

This year we were proud to present the 2011 Human Spirit Award to the Honorable Bob Dole for his unwavering support of people with disabilities and his leadership enacting the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the 1975 Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the 1986 Protection and Advocacy for the Mentally Ill Act, the 1986 Air Carriers Access Act, the 1986 Education of the Deaf Act, the 1988 Technology Assistance Act, the 1990 Television Decoder Circuitry Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990.

This Conference could not be done without our partners: The Bipartisan Policy Center; Michael Marshall, Alston + Bird, LLP; John D. Kemp, Executive President and CEO of ABILITIES!; Taylor Price; Cameron Lynch, President, The Lynch Group; the Georgetown student organization, DIVERSAbility; the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action, and the McDonough School of Business.

For more information about the agenda click here.