About Us

The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, P.L. 106-402, authorizes the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDD). The University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDDs) are funded through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to provide leadership, advise federal, state and community policy makers about, and promote opportunities for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
We are one of 67 national network of UCEDDs located in every state and in the U. S. territories. The Georgetown UCEDD is the UCEDD for the District of Columbia and was established nearly four decades ago. Georgetown University UCEDD is a member of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD).
UCEDD Four Core Functions as Outlined in the Act
- Interdisciplinary Pre-service Preparation & Continuing Education: UCEDDs provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education for students and fellows, which may include the preparation and continuing education of leadership, direct service, clinical, or other personnel to strengthen and increase the capacity of States and communities.
- Community Services: UCEDDs provide training, technical assistance, for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, professionals, paraprofessionals, policymakers, students and other members of the community. Additionally, UCEDDs provide services and supports through demonstration and model activities.
- Research: UCEDDs conduct basic or applied research, evaluation and the analysis of public policy in areas that could affect individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
- Dissemination of Information: UCEDDs disseminate information on the broad range of issues that impact the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. This includes information on the expertise and activities of the UCEDD network to diverse audiences in a variety of settings.
About the GUCEDD
The GUCEDD is funded by the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The GUCEDD collaborates extensively with two AIDD-funded partner organizations, The DC Developmental Disabilities Council and University Legal Services Protection and Advocacy Program, address the interests and needs of the District of Columbia’s residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
The GUCEDD is committed to exemplary principles and practices in the development, implementation, and evaluation of all core functions and related activities which include:
- individuals with disabilities and family-directed,
- interdisciplinary,
- accessible, and
- culturally and linguistically competent.
Creating and maintaining collaborative partnerships with and on behalf of people with developmental and other disabilities, and their families, is an essential element in all core functions. The GUCEDD promotes capacity building within the diverse network of individuals, programs and organizations concerned with developmental and other disabilities at the local, state, national levels and international levels. The GUCEDD provides knowledge and leadership in the development of policy that impacts systems of services and supports for individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families.
The GUCEDD has a long history of providing an array of community services and supports to the District’s most vulnerable populations. The GUCEDD has devoted a significant portion of its resources to address the multiple needs of these populations and the personnel and agencies that serve them.