
DC Pathways to the Future for Youth with Disabilities
Future planning resources for youths with disabilities transitioning to adulthood in the District of Columbia. The site has stories from youth about their experiences.

Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD) at the University of Washington, Adolescent Health Transition Project
The Center on Human Development and Disability at the University of Washington has this website that provides information, timelines and resources on educational and health transitions for childhood through adulthood.

Center for Parent Information and Resources: Transition to Adulthood
Information on transition from childhood to adulthood for people with disabilities.

Guidance for Adolescents as They Transition to Adultho od
To help youth and young adults, family members and caregivers understand the many important issues they face prior to and during transition to adulthood, Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, together with community partners and youth/young adults with disabilities and their families, developed a toolkit, along with four transition videos available on YouTube. The videos cover four main areas: Legal/Financial, Residential, Vocational and Medical Self-Management.